Clean Water : Clean Cooking PoA

Stakeholder Feedback

Feedback that helps us improve the Programme is important to us. We would like to hear it.

As part of the Gold Standard for Global Goals process, SaniTap shared the first round feedback and requested further feedback and comment as  part of the second-round Design Consultation feedback process. This second round of feedback ran from 8 November to 10 December 2023 and is now formally closed – though we remain open to ongoing input and comment.  

All the feedback including the first and second round feedback is available below including the SaniTap responses to each stakeholder feedback.

Do your have further feedback? Your feedback may be in response to the first round of feedback and the SaniTap responses, or it may be new feedback having had time to reflect on the information you have received to date. If so, please leave this feedback using the form which you can find here:  

Design Consultation and Feedback

Following the on line communications and the well-attended Design Consultation Meeting held at the Hotel Ibis on 23rd October 2023 in Antananarivo, Madagascar we would like to provide you with the consolidated feedback we received prior to, subsequently, and at this event. 


We have reviewed the comments and provided responses to the submitted feedback. In some cases, the responses are answers to questions raised, in some cases no response is necessary, in some cases the feedback has raised a point that we had not already considered or was not already incorporated in our planning process.


Where comments/feedback have resulted in changes and been incorporated into our project planning, these are indicated.

We value how this process has both reinforced and enhanced our planning processes.


PoA First Round Feedback and Responses Consolidated

Feedback from the Design Consultation Meeting and Process, with SaniTap responses to the feedback. [Translated into French and Malagasy]

PoA Second Round Feedback and Responses Consolidated

Feedback from the Stakeholders to the First Round Feedback, with SaniTap responses to the feedback. [Translated into French and Malagasy]

About the PoA

SaniTap’s ‘Clean Water Clean Cooking’ Gold Standard Programme of Activities (PoA) for various countries in Africa will provide rural and semi-urban households, communities and institutions with lifesaving clean cooking and safe water technologies. 


The distribution of improved cookstoves and supply of alternative biomass fuels and the deployment of safe water technologies will enhance living conditions of local communities and reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions related to the use of biomass for cooking and water boiling.   


Our objective is to implement projects in several territories in Africa to benefit millions of people across the continent. The Programme of Activities (PoA) will be certified by the Gold Standard for Global Goals. It will last for 20 years. All projects that will be developed will be registered under this PoA. They will be registered as Voluntary Project Activities (VPA) following the appropriate Gold Standard methodologies.


These projects will generate carbon credits by avoiding the release of GHG emissions including CO2 in to the atmosphere. Savings of non-renewable biomass will reduce deforestation rates and contribute to improving health conditions of vulnerable female and male populations and creating large health, convenience and economic benefits to end users. The generation of carbon credits will contribute to ongoing maintenance, scaling and improvement of the existing technologies and provide financing for these operations.


This programme will actively contribute to various UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The PoA and VPAs within this PoA will adhere to all Gold Standard for Global Goals Safeguarding Principles and Requirements and all VPAs will seek to achieve Gender Responsive certification.

Supporting Materials

PoA Programme Summary

Copy of the PoA Programme Summary Sent to stakeholders when invited to the consultation process

PoA Design Consultation Meeting Information Pack

Copy of the Information Pack provided to Stakeholders to support the PoA Design Consultation process

Dossier d'information sur la réunion de consultation sur la conception du PoA

Copie du dossier d'information fourni aux parties prenantes pour soutenir le processus de consultation sur la conception du PoA

PoA Design Consultation Meeting Presentation Oct 2023

Copy of the presentation given at the Design Consultation meeting 23 October 2023 Antananarivo, Madagascar

Présentation de la réunion de consultation sur la conception du PoA, Octobre 2023

Copie de la présentation donnée lors de la réunion de Design Consultation du 23 octobre 2023 Antananarivo, Madagascar

Should you wish to view the original feedback forms these are available here.

First Round Feedback Originals

Feedback forms from the Design Consultation Meeting in original form and language

Second Round Feedback Originals

Feedback to the Second Round Feedback and Responses in original form and language
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