Stakeholder Consultation and Feedback

We appreciate and seek constructive feedback so that any project we develop will benefit from the views, perspectives, and experience of many people – women, men, girls and boys, young, old, people with disabilities or are vulnerable – all interested stakeholders without exclusion.


We hope to engage affected stakeholders and to discuss potential environmental, social, and economic impacts (both positive contributions and potential risks) that projects may have during design, planning and implementation, and to establish an ongoing mechanism for feedback.

Stakeholder Consultation is a process not a single event and we want to allow stakeholders to submit any feedback or to record concerns/grievances during the entire project lifetime.  These pages on our website will allow this but there are other means of communicating with us if you prefer.  Read on.   

We remain open to Stakeholder Feedback

Feedback that helps us improve our work is important to us. We would like to hear it.

As part of the Gold Standard for Global Goals process, SaniTap shared the first round feedback and requested further feedback and comment as  part of the second-round Design Consultation feedback process. This second round of feedback ran from 8 November to 10 December 2023 and is now formally closed – though we remain open to ongoing input and comment.  

All the feedback including the first and second round feedback is available below including the SaniTap responses to each stakeholder feedback.

Do your have further feedback? Your feedback may be in response to the first round of feedback and the SaniTap responses, or it may be new feedback having had time to reflect on the information you have received to date. If so, please leave this feedback using the form which you can find here:  

Previous Stakeholder Consultations

Clean Water Clean Cooking - Multi-country PoA

Clean Water Madagascar Real-Case VPA

Clean Cooking Madagascar Real-Case VPA

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