Our Services 

Supporting WASH through innovation and consulting

Our Innovation Services

SaniTap Consultancy Services

Carbon Financing
Impact Measurement
Carbon Offsetting

When we speak of innovation it is not just the nature of products developed, or the projects undertaken, but also in the financing, partnerships and collaborations needed to achieve true impact at scale.


SaniTap has developed business models which – along with like-minded funders and partners – is releasing new collaborations and projects that would otherwise not have been possible.


The application of blockchain, of IoT (Internet of Things); of satellite data collection for monitoring and reporting (MRV) are examples of SaniTap’s range of services.


SaniTap is looking ahead to provide effective, appropriate Adaptation solutions to vulnerable communities as they build resilience to climate change, saving lives and protecting the environment.


Innovative Financing Mechanisms

Collaborating with funders, developing and using financing mechanisms which brings closer alignment of impact and outcome results to the funding used.

Finding different ways to finance projects in very low income countries

  • Carbon Credit financing for sustainability
  • Ultra low-cost subscription financing for essential utilities
  • Rural advertising;
  • Leveraging & monetising last mile ‘deep reach’ and network effects.
  • Results based funding mechanisms, validation and verification of Climate Adaptation projects
  • Blockchain Smart Contracts for Impact.

Helping to create and operate new funding mechanisms to ensure sustained WASH provision even in very poor communities

More about our 'Water for Carbon' initiative using the sale of verified carbon credits to cover the cost of sustainable maintenance
Impact measurement

Contextually appropriate solutions. From on-site toxin tests to IoT satellite flow rate tracking and Blockchain MRV

Innovations in Monitoring and Evaluation of results achieved including

  • Internet of Things (IoT) recording and Blockchain Smart Contracts using Decentralised Impact Platforms for Results Based Funding
  • Satellite transmission of remote WASH data
  • Health impact forecasting and cost per life saved evaluations
  • Innovations in Monitoring and Evaluation of results achieved including Internet of Things (IoT) recording and Blockchain

    Innovations in Monitoring and Evaluation of results achieved including Internet of Things (IoT) recording and Blockchain to enable results based finacing
    More about our work on Impact monitoring and recording using Blockchain Impact Platforms
    Carbon Emission offsetting

    We develop carbon mitigation projects which produce Carbon Emission Reduction credits for the tradeable voluntary and compliance markets.

    Our Climate Mitigation projects and enterprises result in the reduction of CO2 and GHG emissions. These can be offset or through the Voluntary and Compliance markets.

    Partner with SaniTap to not only reduce carbon emissions but also save lives and protect the environment.

    Find out more about offsetting your carbon emissions with our flagship Water for CO2 project in Madagascar – one of the world’s poorest countries, whose people and beautiful ecosystems is heavily impacted by Climate Change.

    Our Climate Mitigation projects and enterprises result in the reduction of CO2 and GHG emissions. These can be offset or through the Voluntary and Compliance markets.

    Find out more about offsetting your carbon emissions with our flagship Water for CO2 project in Madagascar – one of the world’s poorest countries, whose people
    More about Carbon Offsetting through SaniTap in Madagascar

    Programmatic and consultancy WASH support for Carbon, Climate Adaptation and Resilience, and Impact assessment.

    Consultancy Services for the WASH Sector

    Services provided through our team and network of experts and practitioners include: -
  • Baseline Studies
  • Business Modelling
  • Carbon Finance Funding to Climate Change,
  • Adaptation and Resilience.
  • Programmatic support
  • Advice, modelling, analysis , research, programmatic and project support for the WASH sector in the time of Climate Change

    More about MRV, Adaptation, Resilience and Mitigation
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