MRV refers to the process by which countries track and report data on emissions; the implementation and impact of mitigation and adaptation actions, and the finance used to support these actions.
Monitoring and evaluation is a core, standard activity of SaniTap activities, whether products developed, programmes delivered or consultancy provided, SaniTap believes in the integrity of its work and outcomes and structures its MRV for Adaptation reporting.

MRV is the framework for Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) to assess the effectiveness of actions taken and to inform the National Adaptation Plan (NAP) process.
A Framework for MRV for Adaptation used at a national level for biannual reporting (for non-Annex I countries) would be expected to:-
- identify adaptation risks,
- determine where to focus Adaptation efforts,
- track adaptation-related support,
- assess whether adaptation actions planned under NDCs or otherwise are proving effective,
- evaluate the impact of adaptation finance support received,
- measure Adaptation benefits – the impact achieved through Adaptation actions
- monitor progress achieved in national Adaptation plans.
MRV is the framework for Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) to assess the effectiveness of actions taken and to inform the National Adaptation Plan (NAP) process.
MRV of Adaptation activity
Monitoring & evaluation (M&E) of adaptive management practises are processes, tools and techniques that systematically and periodically measure and analyse the processes, outcomes and impacts of adaptation programme activities to achieve the intended objectives.
Monitoring is the routine collection and analysis of information to track progress against set plans and check compliance to established standards.
Evaluation on the other hand is the systematic investigation of the merit, worth or significance of an object
While no such vehicle exists for Adaptions as it does for Mitigation (through compliance and voluntary carbon market methodologies and mechanisms). SaniTap believes that a structured methodology and independent Verification process is essential for the ‘evidencing’ of what can become ‘Adaptation Benefits’ which can have market value, introducing new finance and market forces to accelerate Adaptation activity through financially incentivised private sector involvement.

Reporting on Adaption actions for the biennial update reports which apply to non-Annex I countries would be expected to include:-
- Name and description of adaptation action,
- including information on the nature of the action, coverage, quantitative goals and process indicators
- Methodologies and assumptions
- Objectives of the Adaptation action and steps taken or envisaged to achieve that action
- Progress of implementation of the actions and results achieved (estimated outcomes and adaptation benefits)
- International non-market mechanisms for Adaptation Benefits