Stakeholder Feedback Process

Feedback that helps us improve the Programme is important to us. We would like to hear it.

As part of the Gold Standard for Global Goals process, SaniTap: – 

1. Holds a Stakeholder Consultation Meeting.  

2. At this meeting, which is open to all, attendees are able to ask questions and also to leave feedback.

3. SaniTap considers the feedback and provides responses and explains where this may result in changes to the project.

4. SaniTap then collates this first round feedback and responses and requests further feedback and comment as  part of the second-round feedback process.

5. After a minimum of 30 days to allow for any further comment and feedback, SaniTap again consolidates and responds to the feedback.

6. The consolidated feedback and responses are made publicly available.

7. SaniTap produces a Stakeholder Consultation Report which it submits to Gold Standard for Global Goals who publishes this on their site

8. SaniTap remains open to ongoing input and comment, even after the consultation process is completed.


We are currently at the stage of second round consultation.

Your input is requested

Formal second round consultation period has now closed


All the feedback including the first and second round feedback is or will be made available below including the SaniTap responses to each stakeholder feedback.

Do your have further feedback? Your feedback may be in response to the first round of feedback and the SaniTap responses, or it may be new feedback having had time to reflect on the information you have received to date. If so, please leave this feedback using the form which you can find here: 

Stakeholder Consultation and Feedback

Following the well-attended Stakeholder Consultation Meeting held at the Hotel Azura in Fort Dauphin on 21st June 2024 we would like to provide you with the consolidated feedback we received prior to, and at this event. 


We have reviewed the comments and provided responses to the submitted feedback. In some cases, the responses are answers to questions raised, in some cases no response is necessary, in some cases the feedback has raised a point that we had not already considered or was not already incorporated in our planning process.


Where comments/feedback have resulted in changes and been incorporated into our project planning, these are indicated.  We value how this process has both reinforced and enhanced our planning processes.

Improved Cooking: Madagascar VPA First Round Feedback and Responses Consolidated

Feedback from the Stakeholder Consultation Meeting and Process, with SaniTap responses to the feedback. [Translated into French and Malagasy]

Improved Cooking: Madagascar VPA Second Round Feedback and Responses Consolidated

Feedback from the Stakeholder Consultation Meeting and Process, with SaniTap responses to the feedback. [Translated into French and Malagasy]

About the Improved Cooking: Madagascar 'Real-Case' VPA

The proposed VPA will 

Supporting Materials

Real Case Improved Cooking VPA Stakeholder Consultation Meeting Information Pack

Copy of the Information Pack provided to Stakeholders to support the VPA Stakeholder Consultation process

Dossier d'information sur la réunion de consultation des parties prenantes de l'APV sur la cuisson amélioré d'un cas réel

CoDossier d'information sur la réunion de consultation des parties prenantes de l'APV sur la cuisson propre d'un cas réel

Clean Cooking: Madagascar VPA Summary [English Version]

Copy of the Improved Cooking: Madagascar VPA Summary sent to stakeholders when invited to the consultation process

Cuisine propre : Résumé de l'APV de Madagascar [Version Française]

Copie du document Cuisine améliorée : résumé de l'APV à Madagascar envoyé aux parties prenantes lorsqu'elles sont invitées au processus de consultation

Sakafo madio: Famintinana VPA Madagascar [Malagasy Version]

Dika mitovy amin'ny nahandro nohatsaraina: Famintinana VPA Madagasikara nalefa tany amin'ireo mpandray anjara rehefa nasaina tamin'ny dingan'ny fifampidinihana

Improved Cooking: Madagascar Stakeholder Consultation Meeting Presentation 21 June 2024 [English Version]

Copy of the presentation given at the Real Case VPA Stakeholder Consultation meeting 26 October 2023 Fort Dauphin, Madagascar

Cuisine propre : Présentation de la réunion de consultation des parties prenantes de Madagascar, 21 Jun 2024 [Version Française]

Copie de la présentation donnée lors de la réunion de consultation des parties prenantes de l'APV Real Case 26 octobre 2023 Fort Dauphin, Madagascar

Original Feedback Forms

Original Feedback Forms

Formulaires de commentaires originaux

Taratasy fanehoan-kevitra tany am-boalohany

First Round Feedback Originals

Feedback forms from the Design Consultation Meeting in original form and language

Second Round Feedback Originals

Feedback to the First Round Feedback and Responses in original form and language
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