SaniTap Handwasher: Simple, effective, innovative handwashing ​bag

Providing a practical solution for handwashing for communities where there is no running water.

Supporting WASH hygiene programmes.

Nearly 1,000 children die every day due to preventable water and sanitation-related diarrhoeal diseases

Diarrhoea and pneumonia are the two biggest causes of child mortality globally. These deaths are largely preventable.

The washing of hands with soap at critical times - after using a toilet, when cooking food or before eating - is highly effective at preventing the spread of those diseases.

A handwashing solution for the world

SaniTap has developed a handwasher bag which enables families with no accessible running water to easily wash their hands at all critical moments – before eating, and after toilet.


These economic, life-saving handwashing bags have been used in 3 continents, distributed by UNICEF, UNHCR, ICRC and many NGOs and are sold by SaniTap.


SaniTap identified the need; innovated a solution; designed and developed the product; and set up manufacturing and the supply chain.  


This high impact WASH solution can be purchased directly from SaniTap or through the network of national distributors which it has – and continues – to grow.



"Most hygiene promotion stresses the importance of washing your hands with soap. But when there is no running water at home, it is impossible to put that knowledge into practice. The SaniTap solves this."

Adriaan Mol, Founder, SaniTap

Diarrhoea and pneumonia are the two biggest causes of child mortality globally. These deaths are largely preventable.

The washing of hands with soap at critical times – after using a toilet, when cooking food or before eating – is highly effective at preventing the spread of those diseases.


Unfortunately, for many families, especially those who are forcibly displaced people or refugees, running water simply isn’t an option.


The SaniTap makes handwashing with soap practical for households without running water. Light-weight and affordable, the product is easily transported, and ideal for distribution in the context of hygiene promotion project

SaniTap saves lives

Handwashing with soap reduces deaths of children under 5 from diarrhoea and pneumonia. 

Per 1,000 bags: –

  •  1.7 lives would be saved in Nigeria
  •  3.2 lives would be saved in Angola

    (The variation is due to the different incidence of water borne disease across various countries)

SaniTap features: -

The SaniTap was first used in 2007 and has evolved and  rigorously tested in field conditions since then. The SaniTap contains the following important features: –


1. Soap holder. The SaniTap has a special soap net that conveniently hangs next to the flow of water. This avoids soap getting soiled or lost: important because handwashing without soap is not effective.


2. A special spout which can easily be opened even by young children.

The patent-pending spout is closed by a simple upward tap of the back of the hand. This avoids ‘second touch’ contamination of now clean fingers.


3. Large volume. The Sanitap holds 3 litres of water, making it even more convenient to wash hands whilst retaining the water-saving feature. The volume is more than enough for a family of 5 to wash their hands at least 3 times per day.


4. UV resistance. The plastic laminate film used for the SaniTap is UV resistant – ensuring a long life even under tropical conditions. For optimum life, it is recommended to avoid exposure to full sunlight, as with any plastic.


5. Easy filling from the top. The SaniTap bag has a wide closeable inlet at the top, making it very easy to fill with water. This avoids the spout from getting lost as the previous version required this to be unscrewed before filling.


6. Easy carry handle. The bag incorporates a sturdy handle, making it easy to transport (e.g. for filling with water from a public water point).


How the SaniTap Handwasher supports the SDGs

Technical Specification

Volume: 3 litres
Flow rate: 3 litres over 10 minutes
Product life: 1 year. This assumes correct installation and use by a family of 5 washing hands 3 times daily
Material (bag): 200 thick 4-layer impermeable food-grade plastic laminate consisting HDPE and nylon
Material (spout): ABS
Material (soap bag): Nylon
Durability: The spout is rated for 10,000 opening/closing cycles. These features
have been verified through repeated field testing
RoHS compliant
Force to open the spout: The pulling force required to open the water flow is less than 10 Newton, making operation suitable also for young children.
Pull strength: The SaniTap is rated for a 50 Newton pulling force, which includes the normal force to open the valve, the weight of water when full, plus a safety margin
Product artwork: Full colour client customisable artwork (logos etc.) can be printed on the front of the product. The back of the product is printed with user instructions and is not customisable

Warranty: Full warranty on technical / production faults.


Instruction on how to use the SaniTap Handwashing bag

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