What we mean by an ‘Impact Business’

What we mean by an ‘Impact Business’

SaniTap is an Impact Venture. To us, this means that we exclusively engage in business activities that deliver tangible social and/or environmental impact – yet also deliver healthy financial returns. The latter is important, not to maximise shareholder revenue, but because only profitable ventures are scaleable or replicable – and that’s what will further multiply our impact.  In this way, ‘value’ is maximised – across all stakeholders. 


Other descriptions are helpful – such as ‘Triple-Bottom-Line business’ (Social, Environmental and Financial measures of success) and ‘Triple-P business’ (Profit, People, Planet) and they all convey similar ideas and the intended trajectory of an enterprise.


We prefer using the term Impact Venture or Impact Business. We use commercial, business approaches, our objectives and values mark us out as far more than just a business: it’s the impact that drives us.


From this follows that we carefully measure and report on the social and environmental performance of our activities – to ensure transparency and accountability, but also to provide the data and insights to continually improve the way we operate.


As an Impact Venture we work with investors and philanthropists alike and look to deploy a wide range of financing models. Depending on the application, this could include results-based-financing, refundable grants, TA, equity or commercial loans (i.e. experimental innovation is best financed by grants; but scaling up validated profitable business models by commercial funding).

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What we mean by an ‘Impact Business’

SaniTap is an Impact Venture. To us, this means that we exclusively engage in business activities that deliver tangible social and/or environmental impact – yet also deliver healthy financial returns. We want to see the impact of our work rippling out into society and the environment.

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